Join us!

We always welcome new lab members! Look for more specific information below about the current openings.

Summer, Honours, Master students

Our lab has numerous opportunities for domestic physics and engineering students at different levels. The project cover various topics such as quantum physics, device control, nano fabrication, microwave engineering and simulation. Contact A. Fedorov directly for more information.

PhD students

UQ has a number of scholarships for international and domestic students and most of our students have scholarship support. If you have interest in quantum physics and in some of the following fields:

  • quantum physics, Josephson junction devices, quantum optics and quantum information

  • microwave engineering and low-noise measurements,

  • instrument control programming, data processing

  • cryogenics,

  • fabrication

you may be a perfect fit to our lab.

To discuss possible projects, contact to A. Fedorov preferrably with a short motivation letter, CV, transcipts and referee contact.


Currently our lab does not have official postdoc openings but we will update the information as new positions become available.

There are also opportunities to apply for the Australian Research Council (ARC) such as the Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (ARC DECRA) fellowship. If are interested to explore any of the ARC of these opportunities, please, contact A. Fedorov for details.